Update 220615

I’ve just realised that I haven’t posted in a very long time.

Well, if anyone cares, I’ve just landed a new job. (Hurrah!)

Well, actually I landed it 2.5 months ago, and after serving my one month tender period (of sorts), I started 1.5 month ago. So technically… new-ish, I suppose?

My new job entails a fair bit of writing – actually, it entails a whole lot of writing, but it’s all good. If anything, I suppose that explains the lack of posts… even though there weren’t that much to begin with.

I keep forgetting I have a blog, or at least I keep forgetting that I want to upkeep a blog. Aside from the writing I’ve been doing at/for work, I’ve been penning down all sorts of stuff all over the place though. My phone, random scraps of paper, notebooks, Word documents that have now replaced my physical diary. To be fair, not everything I write is publishable online. Well technically it is, but in the confines of confidentiality, reputability and well, just plain common sense, not everything I write is publishable, online or otherwise.

It’s not all gloomy though. I have been trying to figure out a place where I could dump my unsolicited opinions about a series of affairs without interrupting my online network – so I figured this would be a good place to do it. It’ll be great! I get to be as long-winded (or brief) as I want to be, not everyone gets to be bombarded by my sentiments, and I’ll still have to be accountable for what I dish out, because, public domain and all that.

The only problem is, is if I remember to do so.

But we’ll see.

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